' Photorealistic Image Prompt for Leonardo AI' Subject: An abstract entity within the infinite expanse of space, challenging the observer's perceptions with its hideous form.' Style: Fusion of grotesque surrealism and abstract art, drawing inspiration from the chaotic and dark aspects of gothic sci-fi.' Details: Focus on an entity emerging from the darkness of space, embodying a form that defies traditional beauty, adorned with unsettling patterns and textures.' Composition: The entity is centered in an infinite cosmic landscape, surrounded by nebulae and distant stars, emphasizing its isolation and the stark contrast to the surrounding beauty of space.' Render: 8K UHD, HDR. The image should capture the essence of something profoundly disturbing yet compelling, photorealistic, Depth of Field | Action Scene | Natural Lighting | Subject | Centered-shot | 22 Megapixels | Shot on IMAX 70mm | Detailed |Elegant | Perfection | Shimmering | Prespective, HDR, 8k, high resolution